Friday, March 6, 2009

Jim Cramer Sold the Sears Tower to Bruce Willis?

For all 9 people on planet Earth that give two shits about my blog 'Preserved Disorder', here is a little hostility to warm your tired hearts...

So I find out yesterday that they are going to rename the Sears Tower here in Hell's Septic Tank Chicago to the Willis Tower. WTF?! The name Willis Tower either sounds like they made 'Die Hard' into a porno or the Jefferson's neighbors really did move on up. Commerce is commerce and money makes the world go 'round, but shouldn't someone have something to say about this odd sounding move? I have two thoughts on this:

1) Is everything in Chi-City for sale? Marshal Field's...sold. The city's parking meters...sold. The Chicago Skyway...sold. Now they're selling the Sears Tower. Pretty soon they are going to start selling slaves again in Chicago. Seriously, it's going to get to a point when a lot of the famous sights in Chicago will be owned by New York or San Francisco. It's bad enough that half the people who tell you they are from Chicago haven't been inside the city in 2 or 3 years. Maybe the city should change it's nickname from the "Windy City" to "Clearance"?

2) The "today's my day off" type of anger that the city's resident's show in reaction to these events is kind of funny. I remember a couple of years ago when several iconic Chicago establishments like Fannie May and The Berghoff were going out of business and I thought people were going to lose their damn minds. Never mind the fact that if people would have actually spent their money in these establishments they would have never been in trouble to begin with. I only mention that because Chicagoans supposedly have a lot of city pride. They are proud of their city and proud of their city's unique and famous landmarks. So, where is the concern? Where is the city pride that everyone is so quick to champion as the spirit of Chicago? Must have been sold to L.A.

On another note...

Jim Cramer's ass is still sore after being royally reamed by Jon Stewart last evening. Before the economy started wiping it's ass with hopes and dreams, I was a fan of Jim Cramer. Not because I followed his financial tips (I didn't), but because he seemed to be really passionate about what he was selling on television and didn't mind making himself look like an adult with down syndrome to do so. That all changed about 5 months after the economy tanked (which I still say happend in early 2007).

Once the financial world pointed its collective finger at the general public and said "YOU fucked this up!" after years of making billions off of the money they knew we could never pay back on bad mortgages and bad investments, I've kinda had a problem with Mr. Cramer, his network, and anyone who works in a finance related field.

I've never liked Jon Stewart either. I've always said if he's going to be a comedian, then be one. If he wants to be a political commentator, then be one. I don't like how he tries to be both. I don't need some stroke-off joke-teller trying to be my guiding light through political turmoil and social issues.

All that being said...I urge everyone on the planet to take 22 minutes out of their bullshit activities today and watch this video. At the least you'll laugh through your tears.

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